Thursday, December 6, 2007

two eight today

It's my birthday and I gotta be honest -- not a lot's gettin' done work-wise...

Lunched for a too-long time at DC Coast with The Boss and The Ex-Coworker; Newt Gingrich was spotted enthusiastically (The Boss: "Hell-OH, Mr. Speaker [flirty blink-blink]").

Allison The Intern surprised me with an adorable desk-poster-card and we've listened to AIWFCIU nine (let's be honest, so far) times.

Thanks shleefunk era for the precious suggestions...

What's making me the happiest today is:

*Googly-imaging Miss Piggy, star of my first birthday party, first birthday cake, and whose soft, smooth, pink plastic snout comforted my tiny lips for I don't even know how many years? Too many years.

*Napoleonically dictating that Allison "play me songs!" Songs I think she won't be able to find! Like Someday! By Mariah Carey!

*Wishing mom a Happy Birthday. It's her day too.


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Allison Kind said...

its mysterious... no its sexy... no its just ms piggy.

happy birthday hillary!

karin said...

i thought about sending you flowers for your birthday. no follow through, but lots of thought.

DiSa said...

Fashion. Icon.