Sunday, December 30, 2007

gotta hand it to...

don't know better a.k.a. the blognipotent aparnatronicles of narnia (mastress of the plural huggalug ) for serving up DEES tasty slice of hystericamisu...


inthemiddle said...

muito interessante, huh? well that sounds like a complimento. and i'll take it -- gracias spanish spam!

Aparna said...

awwwww crescenet! how sweet, or dolce rather. molto bene and happy cannolidays!

inthemiddle said...

whoops crescenet! you isssa not spanish! issa too bad my italligence issa so low!

Aparna said...

hey don't be sillary--

it's neither spanish nor italian...

it's who would have portuguessed?!

inthemiddle said...

portuguess what? i feel like a real dumbso!