Wednesday, September 12, 2007

calling all shots

A: bibby's calling shots!
me: "hello, shots. it's bibby."
"howahhhhhh yah?"
A: "long tam no tork"
me: hahaha
A: "yesh. daz why ah call yu"
put shots on speed dial
at #1
me: hahaha
promote shots to top #1 myspace friend
A: hahah
makes shots slots 1-8
cause it's all of them
A: yesh

1 comment:

Aparna said...

"hello, shots?"

"yesh bibby."

"could i order one pizza?"

"yesh. you ah callin shotz! wut toppins you wantz?"

"just some dignity please."

"no biblem! on da way alreadies!"