Tuesday, July 31, 2007
endowment for the farts
Posted by
11:32 PM
i'm gonna be sicko
Responses to the following email sent to friends 7/29/07
Subject: have you seen sicko?
it made me want to marry a foreign man and get the hell out of this grueling country.
Leland: not yet, ill check it out this weekend. luckily i get universal health care because of my tribe's treaties with the US gov't. I actually recently wrote a blog on it on my myspace title IHS:America's Healthcare Solution.
Asie: dude, i'm so glad you said that....I'm totally planning on living in London, Paris, Dubai, and somewhere in south america. lets do it. where is my british/foreign boyfriend?!
Tanya: Haven't seen it, but want to. Have you talked to Liz about it--she has thoughts too.
Liz: seriously though....i cried more than once....i did get my period thenext day though...quite emotional!
Smita: no, i haven't seen it yet.
Cara: Have not seen Sicko, but heard it was very eye opening. Want to see Simpsons :)
Ashley: haven't see it, but you have to remember that he's a documentarian who wants you to think that health care is better everywhere else in the world but here... and it's not necessarily the case. people from foreign countries that he's highlighted have said he makes it sound too good to be true, and it's not. that all being said, i'm sure when i see it i'll feel the same way!
Liz K. No, I haven't seen it because I'm afraid i will have the same reactions.
Jessica: Haven't seen it yet but I'm dying to (no pun intended). PS I hear Simon is still available!! ("I love Hilary," "I have to wake up early")
Rachel: I cried with rage when I got home from "Sicko." I feel your pain.
Posted by
11:01 PM
little miss perceptions
Seeing something is changing something
The process of identifying self inevitably involves a loss (As well as a gain)
As we clarify our perceptions, we lose our misperceptions
As we eliminate ambiguity, we lose illusion. we arrive at clarity and clarity creates change
We are often rocked by waves of sorrow
As we gain or regain our identity we lose the false self we were sustaining
By tossing out the old and unworkable, we make room for the new a suitable
There is both tension and relief; long frozen feelings thaw, melt, cascade, flood and often overrun their container
Posted by
10:11 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
breakin' down 2: electric boogaloo
I was up front and center for a friend's nervous breakdown today. Yes, horrifying and sad. Also fascinating. A nervous breakdown is not a clinical term, but can apply to many different situations in which someone begins to exhibit symptoms of different mental illnesses, or heavy emotional stress. The term nervous breakdown dates from a much older diagnosis of particularly women who suddenly became unable to function in their lives. Usually first symptoms are or were ignored, prompting what is now known as a psychotic break from reality, or a psychotic episode. This may show up in the form of an attempted suicide, or extreme behavior that requires hospitalization. Since many different illnesses can cause what many term a “nervous breakdown,” it is difficult to describe symptoms. Perhaps the greatest predictor of nervous breakdown is familial history of mental instability. Those who have family members with major depression, bipolar, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, or schizophrenia are more likely to be at risk for these mental illnesses. Undiagnosed illnesses in family members from the past may manifest in alcoholism or abusive behavior. Those undergoing high levels of stress, for example after the death of a parent, spouse, or child, or who have been through a messy divorce are more likely to have a “nervous breakdown” if they are predisposed toward certain mental illnesses. As well, even those who do not have a predisposition toward mental illness can have a nervous breakdown if they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can manifest years after a single traumatic event, and may be triggered by a situation that seems similar. With those who have undergone trauma, early counseling can help prevent a nervous breakdown. Thus symptoms may differ for describing a nervous breakdown, but one can look for the following behaviors as possible symptoms that might precipitate a psychotic episode: The above list is only a few of the possible symptoms associated with what might become a nervous breakdown or psychotic break. Any and all of these symptoms suggest seeing a psychiatrist for diagnosis, and also possibly a therapist to talk over difficult feelings. All people, at one point or another, may experience extreme emotional changes due to grief or to life changes like losing a job. These are good times to get the assistance of a therapist, as talk therapy can be tremendously helpful in dealing with significant emotional overload. Source: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-symptoms-of-a-nervous-breakdown.htm
Posted by
10:23 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
spirit fingers!!
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right!"
-Henry Ford!
The Quadrimuthafuckincycle
Note: This hyperlink is beautiful, but it will take you to google images. If for some reason, you really want to read about the Quadricycle, I would suggest you go here: http://www.hfmgv.org/exhibits/showroom/1896/quad.html.
Posted by
10:58 PM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
about your friend, the addict
It will only get worse. It might get better. The end.
Posted by
11:54 PM
fucking brilliant art
I was exposed to a most amazing PBS doc at the beach this weekend (thanks jb, if I could hyperlink, I so would)
I devoured episode after episode of Art: 21. I watched until my eyes blinked themselves shut and I shuddered with sleep. So many new (to me) artists now walking weirdly across my synaptic tight ropes.
Art art art art art art art.
I want to own art:21. I want to see more art. Make more art. Learn more about these and other artists.
Mathew Barney
Sally Mann
Andrea Zittel
Mel Chin
Bruce Nauman
Kiki Smith
Paul Pheiffer
Tim Hawkinson
So Ho Sue
I also want this DVD box set
Posted by
12:31 AM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
it's so hard to say dubai to yesterday
You say Dubai and I say hello
I don't know why you say Dubai I say hello
I'd like Dubai a vowel
Dubai and sell
Rwanda Sykes Hall
A fish called Rwanda
Namaste in touch
Namaste the night
Namaste cool
Namaste the same
Posted by
8:34 AM
spirit fingers!!
"It is very hard to reach for new adventures and growth in our lives when our hands are full, holding on to the baggage and excesses of our past."
Posted by
8:33 AM