Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm not proud but...

It's likely I have wheat or gluten allergy. Or both.


Aparna said...

Wachoooooooo(!) talkin bout?!

inthemiddle said...

i'm talkin bout stress-induced hypocondria. and that's no joke, kidd.

missyandchrissy said...

you're kidding??? missy has one - we're old pros at the whole gluten-free thing.

P H said...

I think you're all ridiculous.

inthemiddle said...

m&c - of course she does. it's clearly genetic and we're cleary related.
ph - of course you do.

missyandchrissy said...

we're so related, its nuts. and wonderful!

stop being jealous ph - you can be gluten-free too if you want. we'll let you join the club.